The Fault Line Meditation



The Fault Line Meditation is a transformative walk in the shape of the 125 st fault that runs through Manhattan and it’s also a metaphor for the faults in our lives.  It’s outlined with red LEDs and has simple signs at each end that read “Not Mine” and “Not Yours”.  Before starting the pilgrimage I ask you to reflect on a “fault” that you have for yourself or someone else and to imagine it in your hand holding on to it tightly.  Now you step up on the fault and start walking.  As you pass the first sign “Not Mine” look at your hand and ask, “Why am I holding on?” Then continue walking and when you get to the second sign “Not Yours” look at your hand again and ask, “Why am I still holding on to it?”  If it’s not your fault and it’s not my fault, then that means it’s just a fault we stumbled upon in our short lived lives.  The fault was here before us and  it’ll be here after us.  We just happened to stumble on it in our itty-bitty lives and now what, we’re gonna live on it forever? No!  We’re going to learn, grow and move on.  Now look down at your tightly clenched fist and gently open it and bury that fault in the ground.  I believe faults create growth, both after an earthquake and after a life shake.  The continents expand and so can our spirit. 

Faults create growth.